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Just Choose

June 15, 2013

I am one week away from a major life change. I am leaving my teaching job in California, packing up some stuff, giving even more stuff away, and heading to Austin, Texas.

When I say this out loud, people look at my quizzically. They aren’t sure they heard me right. Texas? Why on earth would you want to go to Texas when you already live in California? Of course, the thinking goes, EVERYONE wants to live in California. If you don’t want to stay here, you are missing the point.

My answer doesn’t make them feel any better.

When asked why I’m moving to Austin, my answer is: why not? I’m not married and don’t have children. I don’t have any other family living in the area either. Sure, I’m giving up what many would consider a “good” job, but I am a nurse. I have faith I can find a job no matter where I go.

Besides, why do I feel compelled to justify every decision I make? Why isn’t it okay to choose something and go after it? Why is everything a debate?

I need to make it alright to just choose and then just go. I spend so much time agonizing over the alleged “right” or “wrong” decision that I suck all the joy out of a new and exciting adventure.

While I might not know how my move is going to end up or even if I’ll be happy in Austin (I really hope I will be), I do know this: It’s okay to jump. Check the depth of that pond before you swan dive through the air and make sure there aren’t any rocks directly in your path. Beyond that, you just have to let go and make the leap.

The leap makes you free.

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